Friday, August 24, 2007

Special Tips For MLM and Replicated Sites

By: Niki Mcelroy

If you have been promoting Multilevel Marketing or a replicated site, then you have probably noticed that you don't get listed or accepted into many search engines, and especially not the major ones. If your promoting more than one thing at a time, then you've most likely noticed, it is difficult to keep up with all the promotion demands.

Maybe you've tried most of the free methods of advertising and you've noticed that you don't get as much traffic as you hoped for. Not to mention it is very time consuming to promote more than one site at a time. This article is designed to help you achieve success and get your site listed, no matter how many programs you promote!

You can over come the above mentioned obstacles by creating your own web site. Don't think you can afford it? Well there are many web hosts that offer free websites. They even offer free subdomains.
For a great list of sites you can use click the following link:

I do strongly suggest getting your own domain name as it is relatively inexpensive to maintain. I would like to suggest using a domain host that offers 99,9% up time. As part of thier service, they offer free url hidding so no one has to know your using free servers. This will also give you visitors a better chance to remember a shorter url. To see what else they have to offer click the following: o.cgi?l=domain

Come up with domain name that is short and has something to do with what you have to offer. As an example: will be easier to remember than

Going this route will allow you to gather your own leads. This could work in a couple of ways. If you are promoting more than one program you can have one place to offer all of the programs you promote. Start a news letter to let your visitors know about the new programs you have to offer.

If you're only promoting one program you can use a form to have them sign up before entering your site. Have the form redirect them to the page you are promoting after they have signed up. You can use the following free auto responce programs to achieve this. You can also use this option if you don't want to bother with the headache of doing the installation. To learn more and have control over the contact with your leads, instead of letting the site you are promoting have the power click the following link:

Another benifit of having your own site is that you can now list with the search engines. Just optimize your keyword and site description tags to target the visitors you are trying to recive. A great tool for doing this is a free download found at:

When your done with your research submit your site to the search engines. You now stand a chance at reaching visitors you would not have otherwise had.

You should not need to know complicated HTML code to get started. Most Web hosts offer a free website building software with there services. To have more control over the look and feel of your website I do recommend that you eventually learn it. I have created an ebook to help beginners learn the code easily. As a bonus it comes with two ebooks to help you on your journey to success. It is also free to resale or give away. To learn more visit the following link:

Best of luck on your journey to success. If you are interested in learning more about using free servers to host your web site visit the following link:
You can also learn how to make all the forms of free advertising work in your favor.

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