Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The minerals your baby needs

By: Kasha Dubinska

Your baby needs a number of minerals to ensure they have a healthy start on solid foods. Importantly, by giving your baby a balanced diet, you will provide him or her with all the minerals they need.

Exactly what do minerals give our babies and ourselves? How can I be sure that I am giving my baby all they need? These issues and many more are addressed in my DVD, Yummy Beginnings. Below is a list of minerals that we all need, and where we can find them.

Calcium is essential for the building healthy, strong bones and teeth. It is found is dairy proucts such as milk and cheese, tinned fish, and in leafy green vegetables.

Iron prevents anemia by building red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. It is found in commercially prepared rice cereal ( read the labels, and look for“ Iron fortified“ variety), red meat and cereals. Green vegetables such as spinach also contain iron.

Salt or Sodium is found in vegetables and it is added to many other foods. You do not need to add salt to any of your baby’s foods, as they will get enough from everything else they are eating. Salt is essential for maintaining the water balance in our body, and for good nerve and muscle activity.

Fluoride is essential for healthy teeth formation and for preventing tooth decay. It is added to the water supply in most Australian cities. Later, your child will receive additional fluoride from the toothpaste used to brush their teeth.

Magnesium helps to built healthy bones and body tissue. It is found in cabbage and potatoes.

Iodine is found in small amounts in vegetables. It aids the healthy function of the thyroid gland.

Phosphorus is required for growth and your baby will get all it needs from breast milk and/or formula.

A good source of Potassium is bananas. Potassium is a mineral present in all body cells. It maintains water balance in the body, and helps proper muscle and nerve activity.

This may all sound a bit complicated, but a balanced diet will give your baby all the minerals they need. It will also build a great foundation for healthy development, and teach them to enjoy a healthy diet they will benefit from for the rest of their lives.

Kasha Dubinska, Bachelor of Science major in Chemistry with Honors from The University of Sydney, mother and home chef of healthy baby food.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleJoe.com

For an informative and fun way to learn about what healthy foods to give to your baby look up www.yummybeginnings.com Kasha Dubinska, Bachelor of Science major in Chemistry with Honors from The University of Sydney, mother and home chef of healthy baby food.

Are There Really Ways to Make Money Online?

by : Lloyd Lopes

As soon as I came onto the high speed broadband circuit, I was suddenly exploring the web instead of the usual "get on, get what you need and get off "scenario. I was to stumble upon many sites during "surfing" that claimed to show you how to make money online.

The claims ranged from the oh-so-obvious Nigerian scams, to the not so obvious tricksters and then some opportunities that looked legitimate. Needless to say -- as an extremely skeptical person I ignored all of them. I was interested, but I was one of those people who, if I did something, it would be done my way and nobody else's. I looked objectively at the promise of an "online income" and saw that it was indeed perfectly probable -- look at Google, Amazon, Yahoo! And EBay. These were certainly companies who had made a pretty fortune online.

However, these companies started out with one thing I didn't have: Cash.
They were investors with the ability to get the right people to do the right thing at the right time, and to profit from it. They had huge resources to throw at the internet game, and they were like the Wal-Mart monopolies of this world -- squashing the little guy as they went along.

However, delving a little deeper into this "Internet Money" thing revealed something interesting. Behind all the MLM, Pyramids and other schemes lay a group of people who were making large amounts of money online. And these guys weren't companies -- they were privateers.

And through this group of sparsely spread "Internet Marketers", as they called themselves, I learned how to really make money online. They did not want me in any of their schemes -- they held secrets and led false information to their competitors. Very few wanted to teach me and rightly so -- why should they waste their efforts on a newbie and add to their already existing competition?

But a lot of this "Internet Marketing" thing started to make sense. As I learned off what snippets I could get -- it turns out that a man with an internet connection and a half decent PC can leverage his existing talents in a way that was never before possible. It was also cheap to start. $50 got you 2 websites and some hosting for a year. With a website come endless opportunities. You could sell products, services and advertising with a little savvy and even less money.

Building an "Online business" or even taking your business online is an absolute must in this day and age. With the internet, you can attract thousands of times more customers with a tiny fraction of the cost and effort of regular business. As one of my non-technically minded colleagues put it: "It simply makes sense". An online marketing strategy is something that will be as standard as newspaper advertising in the next 5 years.

As to making money online -- start with what you already have. Take your small toy shop and make an ecommerce store. Optimize the site for the search engines -- and sell to the world. Expose your restaurant on review sites that will be more than happy to do it for free and gain huge exposure and customers.

Then take it from there.

A lot of people put off going online because they are skeptical and do not understand it or what it can do. My advice to these people is this. Test it. Just do it. You'll never know until you actually attempt it.

There could well be a gold mine waiting for you online. From starting your own store -- to creating affiliate sites and information sites designed to sell advertising , the web is a market place and there are very few , given the size of the web , who are taking advantage of it.

Golf Tips - Golf Lessons are a Worthwhile Investment

By Tom Ward, PGA Tour Instructor

Baseball legend Hank Aaron once described the frustration he experienced playing the game of golf. He said, "It took him 17 years to get 3, 000 hits in baseball, but he did it in one afternoon on the golf course. "I'm sure Mr. Aaron was exaggerating his score, but he was on target in identifying golf as a game that can humble even the greatest athletes. I've been fortunate in my career to work with some of the greatest professional athletes in the world from a variety of sports. As good as they were in their particular sport when they took up golf initially they were in for a real dose of reality. Thinking that your good at one sport and transfering those athletic skills as they applied to golf was wishful thinking. However, with the proper understanding of the fundamentals, constant practice, and a commitmRata Kiri Kananent to learn, its possible to develop a skill level that will allow you to feel comfortable playing with anyone.

First, learn the game. Notice I didn't say, "Take lessons immediately. "There are many ways to learn golf. Some halfway decent players have never taken lessons. Many start at the driving range hitting balls with their friends or on their own. They read books, watch videos, subscribe to golf publications, internet searches, or watch the pros on television. Use whatever method you like. But be aware that there is a lot of conflicting information out there and it can get pretty confusing to say the least. It can take a lot longer with this trial and error method. Books and videos as good as some can be with information can't give you the one-on-one attention and feedback necessary that you get when you take a lesson from a qualified professional. Learning to feel what is the correct motion in your golf swing is much more important than having pure knowledge of what to do.

Before you decide to take some lessons try to give some thought to the type of golf experience you are looking for, and the level of commitment(money and time)you are willing to make. Let me give you some examples:Group lessons versus Private lessons. If your just starting out and haven't really made a commitment to the game yet you want to learn more, you'll probably want to consider group lessons. Here are some of the advantages, including:

* First, the cost is lower. Sharing time with your instructor with other people in the same boat as you will keep financial investment lower.
* A more relaxed atmosphere. Because your teacher's time is divided among several students, there is a lot less pressure on you to perform. The added benefit is this gives you time to practice on what your learning while the teacher is helping other students.
* Meeting new golfers. Taking group lessons allow you to spend time with people on the same skill level like yourself. A lot of new golfers don't stay with the game because they don't have someone to play with. Unfortunately, many times better golfers don't like to play with beginners.

Group lessons are a great way to test the waters of your interest in the game without making a big commitment. My experience over the years tells me that many people enjoy the camaraderie learning with others in group lessons. As golfers begin to improve they move onto private lessons to get more focused on their own individual needs. Private lessons do cost more, however there are many advantages once you've decided to move forward learning the game. They Include:

* Having individualized attention. Your instructor works one-on-one with you and only you. This scenario alone caters to your needs and helps to eliminate any bad habits you might be creating. There is no substitute for having this type of situation where someone is totally focused on you and your golfing needs.
* Lessons are tailored to your needs and abilities. You can work on a particular skill area that you desire. Many good players I work with take lessons to work on correcting a problem they might be having with a particular shot. A good instructor learns how to deliver information in a way that the person they are working with can best comprehend.
* Private lessons are often videotaped. Watching your swing and having it correctly dissected by a skilled professional can be an extremely valuable experience. Also, you and your instructor create a unique dialouge of trust and respect building your game.

Whatever route you decide to take in your journey to playing good respectable golf just remember to have fun along the way!