Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Types Of Future Investors

How To Identify The Different Types Of Future Investors
There are different styles and types of future investors that exist in the future market. Future investors use the future market to build their investment portfolio so that they can see a long term profit that takes place over a long period of time.

Someone who is just using the future market to make money quickly for a short period of time is called a “trader”. Members of an investment group fall into the first category: they are in the investment market for the long haul.

There are different types of future investors that use different methods to analyze the market and the market conditions.

The three methods that future investors use for analyzing the market are:

Technical analysis. This method of analysis is used by “momentum” future investors. Technical analysis looks at the price fluctuations that occur in the future market. The future investors base their decisions to buy or sell on what he feels the price will do next.

Fundamental analysis #1. Fundamental analysis is used by “growth” future investors. This type of analysis decides if a certain company is a good investment based on the earnings of the company, growth sales, and margins of profit.

Fundamental analysis #2. “value” future investors use this type of analysis. This method of analysis is similar to the analysis that growth future investors use, but is slightly different. Value future investors takes a close look at those companies in the future market that have a low value. The future investors look at futures that are currently cheap and low but that have the potential to make a good comeback.

Most investment clubs use the fundamental method of analysis to make most of their investing decisions.

They find companies that are listed on the future market that show good growth, profit, and earnings but that are still cheap to buy and haven’t yet reached their potential.

Members of the investment club buy this future and hold on to it for several years so long as the fundamentals, as listed previously, continue to hold strong. This type of investment strategy is called “buy and hold”.

Travelling For Golf

Golf travel can be so rewarding for so many golfers. Most understand that golf and real estate go together. This is why golf has such an allure for so many people. Golf is often located around areas that people want to visit and is one of the drawing reasons why people want to visit that area.

Often when you get into thinking about golf, you think of the weekend courses around you but you have to think about the wider United States and world when you really want to play golf. There is a different set of circumstances and challenges whenever you get a chance to play in a different state or even a different course within town.

Many golfers love the challenge of playing a new course. Your benefits behind golf travel are that you get to play a different course while also taking on different conditions, different terrain and a different architect of the course.

The key behind a great round of golf is to put you in a position to challenge yourself. When you travel to a different location you are combining the benefits of vacation with a unique challenge: a completely different region, different way of looking at golf courses and a different way of playing the game.

The way that you approach the game in the Midwest and play the course versus the way that you approach the game and play in the South or North courses is going to be different at all times. The greens will have varying speeds, the fairway and rough have a different feel, the wind will play a role in some areas more than others. This challenge is why golf travel can be so exciting and exhilarating for so many people.

Top Ten Money Tips for Women

Turn Your Financial Life Around

Why do so many women delegate their financial security to a spouse or signficant other and allow divorce or death to plunge them into poverty? Why do so many women spend more than they earn and become mired in debt?

A National Center for Women and Retirement Research (NCWRR) study showed a direct correlation between a woman's personality characteristics and her financial habits. Assertiveness, openness to change, and an optimistic outlook are the qualities that tend to lead to smart money choices.

Financial Planner, author, and TV host Suze Orman believes our problems with money are manifestations of problems in our life and relationships. Work on the money issues and many of the other problems will take care of themselves; or, work on the other problems and the money problems will take care of themselves.

For many people, money is an emotionally charged issue. It may represent power, or love, or control, especially in relationships. Our beliefs about money and our emotional attachments to it strongly influence the way we spend and handle money.

If you aren't where you should be financially, examine what drives you emotionally when it comes to money and try to figure out the psychological stumbling blocks that keep you from becoming financially independent. Here are ten of the most important things women can do for themselves and their financial future:

  1. Don't rely on someone else, like a husband or boyfriend, for your financial security. Educate yourself about money management and investing. See Ovecoming the Financial Gender Gap.

  2. Set goals - it's key to financial success. See Building a Balanced Financial Plan and Setting Financial Goals.

  3. Don't use money to make yourself feel good. That type of high is fleeting. Instead, do things that promote self-respect and creativity so you don't have to seek those feelings through spending money. See The Urge to Splurge and The Psychology of Spending Money.

  4. Spend less than you earn - it's the secret to creating wealth. See Budgeting 101.

  5. Get an education. People with college degrees make on average significantly more money than those who don't have degrees.

  6. Build an emergency fund. Without one, losing your job or incurring a large unexpected bill could force you to take on heavy credit card debt, and could put you into a financial hole that will be difficult if not impossible to dig your way out of. See Emergency Funds: Why You Need One, How Much You Need, and Where to Keep It.

  7. Be involved in the day-to-day management of your family's finances, and talk about money with your spouse. See The Family CFO and Couples and Money: How To Talk the Talk.

  8. Don't take on your partner's or spouse's debt when you marry. Wait until you're both out of debt before tying the knot, or protect yourself with a pre-nuptial agreement. They're not only for the rich. See Tying the Financial Knot.

  9. Don't let the fear of losing money, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown stop you from investing. See Start Investing With Very Small Amounts of Money.

  10. Learn from your money mistakes. Don't let them hobble you.

Your financial security is dependent on your attitudes and beliefs about money and your willingness to take your financial future into your own hands.

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